Guidance and Template for AMMnet Local Chapter Bylaws

Version of 16 April 2024



  1. General guidelines for AMMnet local chapter bylaws
  2. Optional template for bylaws
  3. Example filled template

Requirements for bylaws are listed in the “General guidelines” section. Chapters are welcome to use the basic template but are not required to. A full example of chapter bylaws is shown at the end, but it is only an example for chapters to use as a reference in case an example is helpful. 

It is expected that each chapter will adopt bylaws that it feels are appropriate to its context as needed, as long as the requirements in the “General guidelines” section are met.


General Guidelines for AMMnet Local Chapter Bylaws


Chapter governance


The bylaws must describe who is responsible for strategic and operational leadership of the chapter, including who makes decisions and how those decisions are made.

The bylaws must describe who is responsible for financial management of the chapter and how financial management will be overseen.


If the chapter wishes to include committees, the bylaws must list and describe the committees and explain their responsibilities, leadership, and oversight.

Chapter leadership


The management of the local chapter consists of a minimum of three core officers: Chairperson, Treasurer, and Secretary. The same person may not occupy more than one of these three posts.

The bylaws must include the selection process of the core officers and description of their duties.

The bylaws must include term limits for officers. An officer’s term is limited to no more than three years, with a maximum of two terms possible per officer, although the local chapter may set a shorter term limit if desired. 

All officers must be registered members of global AMMnet in good standing. 


The local chapter may add additional officers to its management team, such as deputy chair, communications/public relations manager, scientific manager, training manager, event organizer, etc. as it sees fit in order to achieve the chapter’s objectives in its operating environment.

All other eligibility requirements for officers are left to the discretion of the local chapter.



Membership eligibility requirements should be included in the bylaws. All eligibility requirements are left to the discretion of the local chapter. 

A code of conduct and process for handling code of conduct violations should be included in the bylaws. 

How members may be removed from the local chapter should also be included in the bylaws.


If the chapter wishes to require a membership fee, this should be stated in the bylaws.

Bylaws revision


A process for revising the bylaws should be included in the bylaws, including who has final approval of the revision and how that approval is determined (for example, by majority vote or ⅔ vote).


Optional Template for Bylaws of a Local Chapter of AMMnet


Basic template:

Article I: Name

Article II: Purpose

Article III: Membership

Article IV: Governance

Article V: Financial management

Article VI: Meetings

Article VII: Interpretation

Article VIII: Amendments

Article IX: Adoption

Article X: Dissolution

Additional articles and subarticles may be included according to the needs of the local chapter.


Example Filled Template


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be “AMMnet COUNTRY”, a chapter of the Applied Malaria Modelling Network (global AMMnet) with registration in the country of COUNTRY, hereinafter referred to as the “Chapter.”


Article II: Purpose

The purpose of the chapter is to:

  1. Foster collaboration among modelers, analysts, scientists, public health professionals, partner institutions and civil society in COUNTRY to share knowledge and resources.
  2. Work together and adopt common approaches to improve the use of modeling and analytics in COUNTRY.
  3. Interact in person, connect directly with other members of the local malaria or public health communities in COUNTRY.
  4. Tailor activities to the COUNTRY context to meet the needs of local members and partners.
  5. Support initiatives aimed at the prevention, control, and eradication of malaria.
  6. Stimulate research in malaria modeling at national, state, district and province levels in COUNTRY.
  7. Stimulate malaria modeling teaching and/or applications for Scientific Development. 
  8. Foster a lively interest in Malaria modeling by:
    1. Networking and collaboration among applied malaria modelers, data analysts, and partners who develop, apply and use quantitative tools to inform decision-making and operations in COUNTRY.
    2. Stimulate information dissemination through periodic newsletters.
    3. Participation in local malaria modelling issues – curriculum development; joint teaching and supervision
    4. Undertaking opportunities, education and training –MSc & Ph.D. programmes
    5. Organizing workshops and yearly conferences
    6. Holding seminars and discussions in malaria modelling
    7. Participating in malaria modeling outreach services – communication and public awareness for example through summer schools


Article III: Membership

  1. Membership eligibility
    1. Membership in the Chapter shall be open to individuals who support its purpose and are registered with global AMMnet.
    2. A member is considered active if he or she participates in  at least  90% of the regular meetings planned for the current year by the chapter.
    3. A member is in good standing if he/she is current on membership dues and has not been suspended by the Executive Committee.
  2. There shall be four categories of membership of the Society: ordinary membership, student membership, institutional membership and honorary membership.
    1. Ordinary membership: Anyone engaged in the research, teaching and/or learning of malaria modeling in the local chapter and data analysts, and partners who develop, apply and use quantitative tools to inform decision-making and operations in COUNTRY shall be eligible to be an ordinary member of the Chapter.
    2. Student membership: Ordinary members who are currently enrolled in a degree program.
    3. Institutional membership: All Departments/Institutes/Faculties in universities and Institutions in the Chapter that are involve in malaria modeling shall be eligible to be an institutional member of the Chapter.
    4. Honorary membership: Any person may be recommended to the Executive Committee for an honorary membership, with the approval of the General Meeting. In case of doubts as to whether one qualifies for membership at all or for a particular category of membership, the executive committee shall decide and its decision shall be final unless a General Meeting decides otherwise by a simple majority vote.
  3.  Membership dues shall be set by the Executive Committee for each category of membership.
  4. Code of conduct: Be kind to, and mindful of, others. Do not insult or put down other AMMnet or community members. Behave respectfully. Remember that harassment and bigoted (sexist, racist, homophobic, etc.) or exclusionary jokes are not appropriate for AMMnet. We do not tolerate harassment of AMMnet members in any form.
  5. Cessation of membership
    1. A member may resign his/her membership at any time by sending a written notice to that effect to the Secretary. The resignation will only be effective upon confirmation by the Executive Committee.
    2. In the interest and aims of the Chapter, the Executive Committee may suspend a member for a maximum of one year from the Chapter or expel a member permanently from the Chapter. Such a member shall forfeit his membership rights during the time of suspension. The suspended or expelled member shall have a right to appeal one time to a General Meeting against the Executive’s Committee recommendation.
    3. A member who resigns or is expelled from the Chapter shall forfeit all claims to and interest in any property of the Chapter.


Article IV: Governance

  1. Executive Committee
    1. The Chapter shall be governed by an elected Executive Committee composed of President, Secretary, Treasurer, and any other post as determined by the Executive Committee. The President, Secretary, and Treasurer may not occupy more than one post.
      1. The President shall be responsible for the overall leadership and administration of the Chapter. He/she will preside at and chair all general and Executive Committee meetings. In his / her absence he/she will appoint Executive Committee member.
      2. The Secretary shall be responsible for all correspondence, both internal and external, of the Chapter, convening meetings of the Chapter and of the Executive Committee, recording minutes of all meetings, and keeping an up-to-date register of members and their contact information.
      3. The Treasurer shall be responsible for collecting and managing membership dues, managing the operational budget of the Chapter, providing financial updates to the Chapter, and providing financial reports to global AMMnet.
    2. Officers of the Executive Committee shall hold office for two-year term; the outgoing Committee members are eligible for re-election provided that no Committee member shall serve for more than two terms.
    3. All Executive Committee officers must be registered members of global AMMnet and in good standing with both global AMMnet and the Chapter.
    4. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to make decisions on behalf of the Chapter.
    5. Executive Committee decisions may be overturned by a majority vote of the general membership.
  2. Ad hoc committees may be set up by either the Executive Committee or by member approval at a General Meeting, with authority, composition, and activities to be set by the Executive Committee.
  3. Elections
    1. All Chapter members in good standing shall be entitled to vote at any meeting of the Chapter on any matter. 
    2. Voting by proxy shall be allowed provided written notice is sent to the secretary by the member giving proxy informing to the secretary to this effect.
    3. All votes require majority approval to pass, except when a supermajority is required as noted in these bylaws.


Article V: Financial management

  1. The Chapter will have an account open in its name in a local commercial bank chosen by the Executive Committee.
  2. All financial transactions must be approved by the President and Treasurer.
  3. A financial report will be submitted by the Chapter on an annual basis to global AMMnet.


Article VI: Meetings

  1. General meetings
    1. The Chapter shall convene in person at minimum once annually. The Chapter shall hold regular meetings, either in person or virtually, at minimum once per quarter.
    2. Special meetings may be called by the President or upon request of a majority of the General Membership.
    3. Notice of meetings shall be provided to members at least 10 days in advance.
  2. Executive Committee meetings
    1. The Executive Committee shall meet at minimum quarterly.
    2. Notice of meetings shall be provided to Executive Committee members at least 10 days in advance.
  3. Quorum
    1. General meetings, including the Annual General Meeting, shall require a quorum of at least 30% members if decisions will be voted on during the meeting.
    2. Executive Committee Meetings shall require a quorum of at least 50% members for the meeting to be held.
    3. A Committee meeting shall require a quorum of at least 50% members for the meeting to be held.


Article VII: Interpretation

  1. These bylaws shall be the basis of all rules and regulations of the Chapter.
  2. The President shall have the authority to interpret any provision of these bylaws.
    1. The President’s interpretation of the bylaws may be challenged by any member or members of the Chapter.
    2. In the event of the President’s interpretation being challenged, the issue shall be thrown to a vote at a general meeting. It shall require a vote of two-thirds majority of members present and voting to overrule the President’s interpretation.


Article VIII: Amendments

These bylaws may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the Chapter’s members, provided that written notice of the proposed amendments has been given to all members at least 30 days prior to the vote. Any  member of the Chapter in good standing may move and have their motion seconded to amend any provision of the bylaws.


Article IX: Adoption

These bylaws shall be adopted upon approval by a majority vote of the Chapter’s members.


Article X: Dissolution

  1. The Chapter may decide to dissolve itself at any time.
  2. The decision of dissolution of the Chapter should be first submitted to a positive vote of the 3/4 of the active membership (see Membership section).
  3. If the Chapter has chosen to dissolve, or if global AMMnet has decided to dissolve the Chapter, any unspent funds originating from global AMMnet must be returned immediately along with a final activities report, final financial report, and a reason for the dissolution. The dissoluted chapter may no longer use the name AMMnet for any of its activities.
  4. If the Chapter has chosen to dissolve, all Chapter members in good standing shall convene a General Meeting to decide on the best way to dispose of any remaining property and funds of the Chapter. 


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